Protecting your TRADEMARK for ECOMMERCE is essential

Internet sales have become a key part of the revenue of many companies and shops.

COVID has changed the behavioural pattern of many shoppers who prefer to use the internet as a shopping channel.

That is why having the trademark duly registered to cover this service is essential.

Trademarks are protected according to an international classification of goods and services, currently the NICE CLASSIFICATION 11th edition is used.

The class protecting E-commerce or on-line sales is CLASS 35.

A good coverage description of a trademark in class 35 is:

‘Retail and wholesale services in shops, through electronic media and computer networks from …….’.

This would protect both traditional physical and online sales.

However, the description would have to be adapted to certain particularities of each case or country.

The trademark can be applied for at national (in a specific country), European or international level.

If you want to protect your trademark for e-commerce, contact us:

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